This will be the first time that I haven’t been at “home” on the Island, and at my parents or in-laws at Christmas time. At first, it felt like a strange decision to spend Christmas in Prince George…
As a child, I frequently traveled to Quesnel to visit family for the holidays. Looking back, this too felt strange in a way. To not wake up at my own house. What if Santa wouldn’t visit me if I wasn’t at home? There is just something about waking up in your own bed on Christmas morning as a child.
With recently purchasing a home in Prince George, wanting to have a less travel-filled holiday, we are gratefully having family come to us this year instead. I am looking forward to spending it in our recently purchased home here in Prince George.
Looking to entertain out of town guests this holiday? Or some festive events for yourself? Here are a few ideas for this month!
Feeling crafty?
Located at the Prince George Civic and Conference Centre is the Winterfest Craft Fair. Saturday the 14th, and Sunday the 15th. Score some last-minute gifts at this final big craft fair before Christmas. With free admission, and over 100 vendors, you’re sure to find something for yourself or someone special.
Celebration of Lights
The Central BC Railway and Forestry Museum is doing it’s annual Celebration of Lights for the holiday season. Be sure to check out their site for their hours over the coming weeks. Beautifully decorated grounds, a visit with Santa, hot cocoa, and a mini-train ride makes this a favourite for my little humans!
Snowy Santa visit
December 15th, Caledonia Nordic Ski Club is hosting its annual Santa Ski. Visitors can ski, snowshoe or walk to the old biathlon cabin to enjoy hot apple cider and treats while they wait to visit Santa. Bring along a non-perishable food item, or unwrapped toys or gifts for young and old to be donated to the Salvation Army.
I’m looking forward to practicing staying up on my skates this winter! Saturday afternoons the RMCA hosts public skates from 12:30-2, or the Elksentre on Friday evenings. I recently enjoyed skating at the recently opened outdoor oval as well. Such an affordable, and fun way to spend an afternoon in the sun.
Nature time
Not a chickadee, but still a hungry bird willing to eat from a hand! Photo credit: Jared Lepp
If you’ve read any of my blogs, you may have noticed pictures and comments on my love of Cottonwood Island Nature Park. I stumbled across a winter bird count for kids, hosted by the PG Naturalist Club on December 14th. Dress warm, and enjoy some fresh air in this beautiful park with your little ones. Not into an organized walk? Be sure to check this lovely park out if you haven’t done so. A regular for our family to walk our dog, hand-feed the chickadees and discover some beautifully painted, hidden stones.
Beautiful ballet
This holiday, I am looking forward to attending The Nutcracker by Judy Russell, featuring the Prince George Symphony Orchestra. Tickets are available for showtimes December 19-22 at Central Interior Tickets.
Hello 2020!
Looking for a chilly way to bring in the new year? Head out to Ness Lake Bible Camp for their annual polar bear swim. New Year’s Day from 2:00-4:30 pm. Pledge sheets can be found on their website for those wanting to raise some funds to send kids to camp. All for a good cause, and what a refreshing way to welcome 2020!
Happy Holidays
I have learned in my one year of living in Prince George, that there really is no lack of things to do or see in and around the city. I look forward to spending my first Christmas with my family here, taking in some of the events, and ringing in the new year at our new home. Happy holidays fellow Prince Georgians, and all the best for the coming year.